I began this series both because I love rhythm and because I believe that examining the art forms that a particular community produces will help us understand that community much better. As this makes clear, I also believe that communicating - and understanding - across ethnic and cultural boundaries is important.

That said, I soon realized that when it comes to mutual understanding, the arts in general including percussive arts and rhythms are far more important than I had realized. That is partly because rhythm and drums are so important to so many cultures. In the case of the Afro-Peruvians, for example, the cajón drum, one of their percussion instruments, is considered a symbol of the entire community. Some of their rhythms trace their origins directly back to survival skills they used in the days of slavery.

As for Nigeria's Yorubá, rhythm and drums are essential to the traditional religion that continues to be practices alongside of Christianity and the Moslem religion. They are also a key element in social life.

Educationa-Individual Episodes - Purchase on DVD

Home Use-Individual Episodes (on DVD):

If you would prefer to purchase individual episodes on DVD, we have one episode that should be available by the end of January 2024, and a second by the end of 2024. The rest will come in good time! You can always send us a Purchase Order, or buy through PayPal, or (soon) through one of our distributors.

Speaking of Rhythm to be a series of 5 DVDs -SEE ABOVE.   Rasaki's Turn: Rhythms & Drums of Nigeria's Yorubá   Peta Robles & Tío Lalo: Some Afro-Peruvian Contributions   Celtic   Mexican

Palomino Productions
P.O. Box 8565
Berkeley, CA., 94707, USA
or via e-mail: info@palominopro.com