Speaking of Rhythm:

a Series about Rhythm, Drums, & Diversity

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about an individual episode.

Speaking of Rhythm planned series of 5   Rasaki's Drums and the rich rhythms of Nigeria's Yorubá   From Box to Cajón: Peta's Heritage - (Afro-Peruvian)   Celtic   Mexican

The series, Speaking of Rhythm is based on the premise that we can learn a lot about the culture of others by learning about their art forms, in this case, music and more specifically, percussion traditions. In the process of our investigations, we find out that drumming is an essential part of culture and community for at least some West African ethnic groups such as the Yorubá. We discover that Afro-Peruvians, who had absolutely nothing, were particularly ingenious - not only recreating their traditional instruments but also developing new ones, including the cajón which in the past half-century has been introduced to the world stage. We expect to discover similar fascinating information about the other traditions.

I also need to confess here that rhythm is something I personally love, which led me to produce this series in the first place. I strong suspect that there are plenty of other people who feel the same way. Hence, a series about some percussion traditions from vastly different places.

We plan to produce at least five episodes for this series: Nigerian (Yorubá), Afro-Peruvian, Celtic, southern Indian, and Mexican. So far, we have shot two and of those two, I've completed one - the Nigerian (Yorubá) episode. We have completed the Nigerian episode and plan to release it in June of 2024, durng Black Music Month. We hope to complete the Afro-Peruvian by the end of 2024 and we plan to shoot the main part of the Celtic episode in the fall of 2024.

Palomino Productions
P.O. Box 8565
Berkeley, CA., 94707, USA
or via e-mail: info@palominopro.com